Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let the Baby Bump Begin

Let's talk about the baby bump. As in, is that a baby in there or did you just eat a lot of bacon and eggs for breakfast? Little bit of both! I'm a bit of a whiner when it comes to pregnancy, which is an unfortunate quality (working on it!) but the one thing I absolutely love about being knocked up is the belly! Even at my skinniest, I have never, ever had a 'flat tummy' so having an excuse to flaunt the bump rather than perpetually finding ways to hide it in between pregnancies is such a nice breath of fresh air. I can just relax, and let it all hang out, literally!

Here I am below, just over 15 weeks.. I am already rocking the maternity shirts! If you look at the second picture, you can see my belly now is almost as big as it was when I was 20 WEEKS with Jackson.


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