I thought they hid all the good coupons in the daily paper while trying to trick us into believing the best coupons are only in the Sunday paper but it turns out there are NO good coupons, at all, in the Monday paper. Even though it's President's Day and everything.
It is impossible to turn back time so I won't be able to get yesterday's Sunday paper and now I only have expired coupons from last Sunday's paper. I spent 2 hours (or twenty minutes, or whatever) cutting out cat food, canned vegetables, and hot pocket coupons that all expired on Feb 14th. And I was all, I'm totally going to get to the store by then because that's 6 days from now. 8 days later, here we sit. Next to a big, fat, stuffed envelope of expired coupons.
Why do I even try to channel Oprah's advice and be The Best Version of Me when The Real Version of Me wins every time? Although, I gotta say, I have to be doing something right, because I received about 76 gorgeous grins from my most favorite little guy today, and that's better than all the coupons in the whole, wide world.
P.S. I totally would have posted a nauseatingly cute pic of little guy with evidence of said grins but I'm still working off a stolen lap top (See previous post) HOWEVER - I am good for a video that I taped today of Baby J with two whole minutes of him having a conversation with the ceiling while I sang "Superman" over and over again off key. It's killer. Next week, I promise.
My computer is broke, broke, broke (not recession broke, just wierd fuzzy white lines on the screen broke) so I am going to write this post in a hurry, before my husband wakes up and realizes I've hijacked his computer (which I am not technically allowed to use, because apparently I am a 'computer breaker' although really I think my cats are the 'computer breakers' but we don't have time to get into all of that)
Aside from the lab top betrayal, this has been a great week. I have been fairly productive and am extremely pleased that after 13 weeks and 3 days I have successfully completed the following activities:
1) Turned off Nancy Grace, CNN, and John & Kate plus 8 (Kate has been stressing me out) and turned my attention to crock pot experimentation (IE: my version of cooking).
2) Introduced Baby J to the world outside our living room: he visited Salem to visit some of my coworkers and got lots of hugs, went to OMSI with old friends (yay!), flirted with some cute 4 monthers at Baby & Me group, and chilled with Dad while I got to have a girls night out and see "He's Just Not That Into You".
3) Contemplated working out & dieting anorexic style eating healthy to lose post baby weight. (Yes, I said post baby, as in not gained during pregnancyweight)
4) Attempted to go on romantic dinner type date with hubby for his birthday (we left immediately after the food arrived, I'm guessing you can figure out why) Your welcome other diners who hate babies.
I'm looking forward to next week. I really, really, really do feel on the verge, on the cusp if you will, of ending my relationship with reality television long enough to begin a more serious relationship with WALKING and COOKING. But this is hard because I believe in my soul that walking, while good for me on countless levels, is eternally boring and really an insane activity (well, it makes me feel insane on account of how boring it is). I feel the same way about cooking, although that hardly needs to be stated because you can probably draw that conclusion yourself based on my bias against walking and since I put them both in all caps, they clearly go together (into the trash can). It should also go without saying that I have a lot of respect and admiration (not to mention jealousy and a little bit of bitterness) toward all the people who can walk and cook. I am inspired by these overachievers, truthfully, and often make the mental note to immediately become just like them. But then the 'Know Everything About Me' voice in my head says that to even work up the resolve to WALK and COOK I would have to, like, drink heavily beforehand. But I'm not really the drinking type, so that's out. (It's like I can never catch a break). Also, I have a car, so I don't really need to walk. And I have a microwave (I love you microwave, you are near the top of that "Things I love the Most" list that I will write someday) and a crockpot so I don't really need to cook either. I think I just thought I needed to do those things because I am not working right now and all this free time I have (except, hello, I'm raising a baby and following breaking news reports on Nancy Grace) puts pressure on me to be more of a walking and cooking type person. Whew. That was a whole journey of run on sentances that started off with the idea that tomorrow I'll start walking and cooking but by the end of the paragraph I'm all: No, I won't.
I wouldn't even be contemplating all this heavy stuff if my computer hadn't broken and I'd been without Perez, Facebook, and Yahoo Answers for the last 3 days. Thank goodness he is just that into me and I've got the stolen labtop & crazy blog to prove it.
So, in my last post I wrote about recieving 'mom advice' from random nameless moms out there in the universe who approach me in the grocery store, doctor's office, red lights, etc....not so much my thing. HOWEVER, me loves some good advice from all my favorite moms out there who I actually KNOW & love!
In fact, as some of you may know, I am a tad obsessive about calling all of my mom friends and relatives at noon, 2 pm, or 2 am with all kinds of pressing & urgent questions (My baby only smiles at dawn, is that normal? Is it okay if Baby J stares at the wall all day instead of at me, his precious mother? Where do I find a camera with more memory?) in an effort to soak up your entire inventory of mom knowledge until you are forced to come up with a reason to get off the phone with me. (I kid, I kid, you all have put up with me quite well & with endless patience!)
So, here's a few Q's that I've been mulling over this week...please, impart your wisdom Mamas!
1) Sleeping: (Obviously, lets start with this one) Now that Baby J is semi-pseudo sleeping outside our bed, what tips do you have for keeping him feeling 'snuggled' in his crib? I'm not supposed to put blankets over him or lie him on his tummy but when I just lay him flat on his back he jerks his arms straight up and startles himself awake. I'm using those snuggler things that wrap his arms up but I think he's outgrowing them. Tips?
2) When did you start attempting a 'routine' (eating, sleeping, playing, reading, bath time, etc) with your little one or did you let the baby set his/her own routine?
3) If you could go back (or for your next one!) to the time when they are itty bitty, what would you do differently, or the same?
Okay, super moms, I'm depending on you (And so is Baby J, no pressure!)
Next week: Stay tuned for a special blog geared to all the non-moms in my life! Watch out, I've got your number!!